Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Am Still Here

I have not posted lately because C*mc*st shut off my service...I thought I had paid online, but I guess I paid incognito. I found this out at midnight when the clock on my box went from 12:01 to ----. What???!!!! Why has my time piece quit working? Oh, no!
I must NOT have paid the bill....Now, how am I going to know what time it is when I wake up every 30 minutes all thru the night? Which is what I do every night, especially if I have to work the next day. But, that was the least of my troubles this week. I went up in the attic to find the hot water heater sitting in about 5 inches of water, then the heater made an awful rattle when I tried to turn it on during an unseasonal cold spell, and then with the dishwasher full of filthy dishes, it decided to quit working also. I am waiting around for the fridge to go on the fritz. Now, I don't have a negative attitude, just a realistic one. Oh, wait, I have already had three things break. You know things happen by the threes. So, whew!!! I'm safe....

I did go vote in the middle of all this...I only waited two hours. I met a lot of interesting people, so it was fine. Remember to vote Tuesday. Our vote counts, so head on out to the polls and VOTE.


Beverly said...

Oh my, oh my. I hope everything works out. Isn't that just the way it goes. I'm waiting for my refrigerator to bite the dust one of these days. I want a new one, but I don't want to have to put out the money for one.

I'm glad you're still here!

JeanMac said...

It can only get better!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I understand. Things like this in the past have happened to me.
Take care of yourself. I have missed you.

L. said...

Oh Beverly...I'm so sorry for all of your "mishaps"...things will start looking up tomorrow...I promise!

Hang in there....

MsGraysea said...

What a week you have are right, they come in are done.
I so admire your work for the babies!!
Take care and pamper yourself.