Saturday, November 1, 2008


November is Prematurity Awareness Month. One in eight babies in the United States are born premature. As an NICU nurse I want you to sign a petition to urge the federal government to increase support for prematurity related research and other measures to help find causes of premature births and improve the care, treatment, and outcomes of preterm infants.

This is a very important issue to me. Thank you for your concern for my babies.
Go here


Tabor said...

A great cause and I signed the petition!

Darlene said...

I have signed the petition. What could be more precious than a tiny baby struggling to live.

Wendy said...

I agree with Darlene - what could be more precious that a tiny baby struggling to live.
I signed the petition, but since it wouldn't accept Canada in the Zip space, I put in my brother-in-law's zip code. He lives in Vermont. So there! Who cares! Babies need our help no matter where we live.
Thanks for posting this. I hope you get zillions of signatures.

JeanMac said...

Ah, Wendy, very clever. I could use the zip of a hotel we stay at in Seattle - very schmart lady!