Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who Wants the Flu, NOT ME....

I always worry about the flu. Especially since I am the only person bringing home the money, and work does not look too kindly on sick employees. They don't want us there and they don't want us at home. It just adds to your ill feelings.

I was picking Forrest up at Daycare the other day. He was going to be so happy to see me. He loves for me to get him early so he can skip nap-time. I usually love going into the daycare. I stop at the baby room and get free smiles from the babies, then head to the four year old room. However, this day I felt I was walking into the Bug House. Kids were coughing, noses running, eyes weeping. I felt like running out screaming. Instead, I sneaked up on Forrest and he immediately started packing up to leave. His dad was with me and he ran right past him and said, "What are you doing here"? I could see dad's face drop. We went to Mom's first grade room, and no hugs for mom either. I smiled to them both and said, "Hey, today is all about me", Forrest knew who was breaking him free from daycare. But, not too sure how many creapy crawly flu bugs came with us.

I then was in the grocery, and I felt like I needed to hold my breath so as not to have an added danger of flu bugs. All was well until I walked right into the path of a preteen riding in the basket. Looking back to see why such an old girl was in the buggy, I saw her red weepy eyes, and she coughed right at me. What? Why did her mother bring her buggy child into the grocery just to infect me? I know, I have had my own sick child with me but it is different when My Kids are grown, I loose sympathy for them and think only about Me....Sorry, but, I have to work. I do not need the flu.


Wendy said...

I hate flu season. And inconsiderate people who spread their germs.
And I quite understand how you feel about not being sick at work (of course - what would those dear little babies do if they picked up your germs?). But at the same time, "they" get upset when you take days off. You can't win!
Stay healthy!!

Kay Dennison said...

I feel your pain. I can't afford to be sick either.

Darlene said...

It makes you want to wear a mask every time you leave the safety of your home.

I just discouraged my step-daughter from visiting me because she came down with a cold two days before she was to fly to see me. We had both been looking forward to her visit, but I don't need to add a cold to my present condition. My rubbery legs barely hold me up now.

Tabor said...

Our grocery provides free anti-bacterial wipes which I use on both my hands and the handle bar of the basket...notorious for germs. Here's hoping we both continue to stay healthy.

Anonymous said...

I hate the flu, but when you're around kids there's practically no way to avoid getting it.