Forrest and I then went to Max's Play at school...His was abut Martin Luther King, Jr. I asded Forrest if he knew who he was, and he said yes, but, couldn't remember what he did. I know he does now, because I got chills as Max talked about his life...
After the play, Max and Forrest and I went for ice cream then it was time for Max's Baseball Game. Brian of course was there, but, I asked his brother to come too. He did, and I was with all my, things do not get much better than that!!!
Thursday ended up being a Play Date with all my boys! So wonderful! I started by keeping Forrest while his mom went to the dentist. We spent three hours at the Memphis Zoo. His favorite part was by far the Old Faithful in the Teton Trek...It is supposed to be like the real place, but, it is really a water park. He had a blast...We also watched the apes get fed....they stared at us humans like we were the ones on display. The keeper threw lettuce, carrots, and other veggies, but, they were holding out for the watermelon....