Forrest says:
Forrest and I were just pittling around the other day and Forrest wanted to show me a toy. I heard..."Beverly, look at my car...Beverly, come look at this". I stop dead in my tracks, what did he say? Lily What did he say? I ask, Forrest you know I am Meme, why did you call me Beverly. Forrest says, "Well, that's what Mommy calls you!" I know Amy is glad she didn't call me #@%***!, cause he would have been telling me!!!
Lily says:
Lily and I were walking across an over the street bridge that was I am sure a little scary for her. She grabs my hand pulling me next to her. "Meme, get over here by me, I'm kinda funny about dangerous places like this". She's keeping me safe.
Max says:
Max is playing computer games, as he looks up from my daddy's desk, he smiles and says..."Grandparents let you do things longer than parents do". I smile back and say, yes that's cause I love you so...