Thursday, December 2, 2010

This and That

I think Lily is becoming as fond of babies as I am. One of her mom's friends recently had a baby boy. When they came by to visit us on Thanksgiving, she loved holding him.... I would try to help since he would squirm in her lap. She did not like this at all and wanted him all to herself...I am not saying I wanted to hold him too...No, that just wouldn't be true....( do you believe me?) I wanted to hold that baby so bad!

Tomorrow is my retirement party. I am nervous being the center of attention. I always thought I would love that! My friends say a lot of people are coming. One of the doctors (who I have worked with only about 5 years) said, "Everyone must love Beverly"...

This is where I worked for 40 years....well, not exactly right there. We moved and remodeled four times. This is close enough for you to picture me by an incubator. Before you ask why they are covered, it is to keep the bright lights from them. We tried to mimic still being inside mama....


Beverly said...

How nice that your time spent working is being celebrated. Enjoy your day. Let them spoil you. You deserve it.

I love your header photo and your background color.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Catching up on your posting.
Enjoy this time. You are special to a lot of people :)