Sweet Elizabeth....the charge nurse on my last day....It was a wonderful last day....
Oh, the times we had. I had so much fun with this doc....really I did! He told me I had been a good and caring nurse....wonder why he said "had"...He always said working with me was like being mistreated at home. I am sure we were worse....
Marcie gave me a little "bling" for my retirement.....Blenna had to get in on the action....
I see you life was (is) filled with such love. You are a very fortunate woman.
I am so happy for you....what a wonderful career. They will miss you a lot.
Hope all else is well....happiness from Cape Cod.
Beautiful pictures. Looks like you worked with some wonderful people.
You look so happy but I know you will miss them - but you can visit them :)
Oh my goodness! Time for yourself? Now you will set the program and the pace. Lucky you!
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