there I was treated to home cooked
meals. All I had to do was help set
the table and help clear the table.
Time moves very slowly there.
One special treat for me was a
visit my brother and I made to
our aunt and uncle. She is the one
who inspired me to be a nurse.
I loved her soft, caring voice and
gentle manner. He worked at the
sawmill with my grandfather and
my mother. He calls me Bevie.
He used to eat lunch with us
every day. He is almost 94 years
old (we have good genes). He
showed me how he exercises
in his chair and lifts weights
every day. He tells me he still
feels like forty or fifty years
How wonderful that you have an aunt and uncle still living, and how nice you can visit "home." Is your header part of the home cooking?
I am very lucky. My brother told me I need to visit more often as we are not young anymore. The yogurt is from a trip to YoLo's with Lily, or Forrest....
It's always nice to go home in spite of what Thomas Wolfe said. I'm glad you made the trip; especially so since you were able to visit aged relatives who may not be there next time. (In spite of good genes.)
Beverly, so pleased you were able to make this special trip.
The last of my aunts passed away last year at 93.
No parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles - guess that makes me the matriarch.
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