It is so hot here in Memphis that I cannot even go outside without feeling like I will smother. The humidity must be 120% with the heat index the same. Actually the heat index is 115 degrees. Shelby and I are both sitting in this house waiting for fall. Of course, fall brings acorns. I hate acorns. When the grandkids come over we make a game of stomping on them. For every one of them that is stomped, that is one less baby oak tree that grows in my flower beds....But, back to the present.
I am having a few days off work to get myself prepared for my firstborn to turn 40 years old. This cannot be. He is even puzzled how this is possible. He told me he remembers when I turned 40. Yes, a milestone is happening. I usually get depressed when he and Kevin have a birthday, because two weeks later, I get a year older. However, this year I am excited. I want the next two years, or possibly one to pass with lightening speed. Hopefully I will get to retire. Then, I will be happy for time to stop and let me stay 64 or 65 forever....
I am really getting ready for my responsibilities at work to end. I love my work. I love the babies, but, it seems to be changing at such breakneck speed, I am running as fast as I can. Some days I feel like I am grasping for air at the end of the day. Other days I feel I could go on forever. The forever days are becoming fewer. I am trying so hard.
For now, Shelby sits in the children's chair, and I am in mine. We are getting ready for a birthday dinner for the boys. She is insisting on rawhide bones, but, I am the one who is going to the grocery, so I am betting on Pepper Steak. That is the request of Brian, and hopefully Kevin will like it, too!
I have a tiny suggestion. Do not retire all at once if you can help it. Since you love your work and it is so demanding I think you should ease out of it by cutting back if you can negotiate that. It will give you time to decompress.
While retirement looks good, I agree with Tabor. Especially since, I suppose, you could set the days you want to work. I was so ready to be done teaching, but I wish I had gotten a job doing something else, at least for a while. Now, I'm content, but there were times.
And when you're free, someone can always figure out something for you to do.
Since we live about 3 hours apart my heat and temperment is the same as yours. Just went out for mail and felt like I was going smother!!
Since my work for 30 years has been building a home and creating a garden. Guess I am still working since I am creating a garden.
I think you will do fine. But I have had my own hours and pace. Enjoy the birthday dinner.
I don't know how you are standing it. Our temperature is 99* right now and the humidity is 24%. I think AZ gets a bad rap for heat. Yes, it's hot, but we don't get soaked in perspiration or feel like we can't breathe when we go outside.
Even air conditioning is not much help with high humidity.
You all (notice I did not say Ya'll) are so sweet with your comments. I hope to make it awhile longer at work...
It is either retire or stay. If I only worked occasionally, I would be left in the they say..
I know how you feel about looking forward to retirement although mine was a forced retirement early due to Wayne's needing me at home.
It has been like being in an oven outside here all day every day and does not cool off much at night either. I, too, am ready for fall! I think you will love retirement, I do. Have a good week.
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